Designer, Developer & Innovator

I craft and code elegantly straightforward solutions, and I'm passionate about my work

Hi, I’m Vinayak. Nice to meet you.

Since beginning my journey as a programmer over 5 years ago, I've been involved in a range of projects, gaining valuable experience in developing digital solutions for various purposes. Collaborating with skilled individuals, I approach coding challenges with quiet confidence and a natural curiosity. Each problem is a chance for me to enhance my skills, and I'm dedicated to continuous improvement. I'm enthusiastic about the journey ahead and eager to contribute creatively to the field of programming.

UX/Ui Designer

I value simple content structure, clean design patterns, and thoughtful interactions.

Things I enjoy designing:

UX, UI, Web, Apps, Logos

Design Tools:

  • Affinity Designer
  • Figma
  • Font Awesome
  • Pen & Paper
  • Sketch
  • Webflow


I like to create different projects in Web-dev,IOT,and AI/ML

Languages I speak:

HTML, Java Script, React, Node/Expressjs, Arduino, Opencv, Pug, CSS, Git


  • Github
  • Arduino Ide
  • Bootstrap
  • VS Code
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • Tinkercad
  • Repel
  • Terminal
  • Vercel

Competitive Programmer

I actually love to do competitive programming and solve DSA problems on different platforms.

Dsa languages I know:


Favourite topics

  • Recursion
  • Greedy Algorithms
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Searching Algorithms
  • Pointers
  • Local/Global Concept
  • Sorting Algorithms

My Recent Work

Here are a few past design projects I've worked on. Want to see more? Email me.

A complete dynamic cricket website with live chat,score function

Visit Website

Object detection using Python opencv

Visit Code

A powerful tool to caculate and reduce our Carbon emissions

Visit Website

A model website for a school or any educational institutiona

Visit Website

An interactive DSA learning website using user interactive simulations

Visit Website

Smart glasses made for Blind people tp help them in walking

View Code

I'm proud to work under some remarkable organizations:

My Ongoing Projects

I'm a very curious to new technology developing everyday, so always try to get myself updated with the latest tech stuff

Replica of J.A.R.V.I.S used in Iron man movie


An app to split fare for cabs


Interested in collaborating with me?

I’m always open to discussing product design work or partnership opportunities.

Start a conversation

Start a project

Interested in working together? We should queue up a time to chat. I’ll buy the coffee.